A long journey
As 2021 draws to an end, we’re looking back with grateful hearts to the marvelous way in which God continued his work in Uganda through the generosity of people like you! We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support throughout the years and we pray that God would repay you ten thousand times more! As a team, we’re at the end of a blessed decade. We saw and we felt God’s presence and guidance in the missionary project “Împreună pentru Africa/ Together for Africa.”
A short retrospective
10 years ago, in September 2011, a small team from Cluj went to Uganda on a missionary trip for the first time. Here, God planted a daring dream in the heart of one of His men: to build a missionary base in Eastern Uganda.
Despite all the hardships and obstacles encountered along the way, God crowned the faith of those who believed He would provide everything necessary for this project with blessings upon blessings.
Today, Hannah Ministries’ missionary base in Buyaga, Bulambuli is comprised of a functional medical center with a pharmacy, a primary school, a kitchen and a dining room, staff rooms, offices, a guesthouse, several acres of farmland etc.

Uganda during the pandemic

The last two years proved to be very complicated for the people in our community and in the entire country. By God’s grace, we managed to organize a major food distribution during lockdown in 2020 and offered support to the neglected members of our community.
Churches opened some months ago, but with several restrictions. However, schools remained closed since March 2020, but they are set to open in January 2022. Fortunately, the 74 children in our school took part in several small group meetings with their teachers, but the situation on the ground remains difficult for the children in Uganda, at least until schools reopen.
Plans for the future
We are beyond grateful for everything that God helped us accomplish until now and we look forward with anticipation to several future projects we have set our hearts on.
We’re willing to develop a modern medical laboratory, as part of the Refuah Medical Center, which would be of tremendous help to our doctors in diagnosing their patients based on bloodwork. Such a facility would be essential for the early diagnosis and the efficient treatment of various common infectious diseases in the area (malaria, HIV, tuberculosis etc.)
Moreover, we are committed to opening a library and an IT & Media Center in the future, so important for the education of our Amagezi students. However, above all things, our utmost desire is to see the people we serve receive Christ in their hearts. We’d like to organize several evangelisation events (together with local churches in Uganda but also with churches from Romania) where the Gospel would be preached to as many people in our community as possible.

Final Thoughts
Finally, we pray that God will reward you for every penny invested in this project. We thank you for your support, we bless you in Jesus’ name and we encourage you to continue to contribute to the advancement of God’s kingdom in Uganda.